
About the uPRDatabase Project

The Undergraduate Programme Review Database (uPRDatabase) project is supported by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), which aims to promote the adoption of innovative teaching approaches and improve the T&L quality at CUHK.

The goal of building up a comprehensive database management system (DBMS) in this project is to streamline the undergraduate programme review, which is one of the pillars of the internal quality assurance mechanism at CUHK.

It has become a big trend and an important QA strategy to use QA data in higher education. With the useful information collected from the previous cycles of programme review exercises, a timely and user-friendly QA DBMS is a necessary tool to empower the university management, teaching staff and other stakeholders to enhance the T&L quality by providing them with a better understanding of programme performances in various aspects.

About the uPRDatabase Project

What is uPRDatabase?

demo image / video

What is uPRDatabase?

uPRDatabase is a DBMS providing a one-stop service for the University stakeholders to grasp a holistic picture of the programme performances across different cycles of programme reviews.

The database has various functionalities, which are not limited to storing the digitalised information collected from the second and third (and future) cycles of programme review reports. It allows users to search, view and save examples of good practices and recommendations by different criteria in accordance with their level of permission granted.

Advanced features allowing users to learn how well the programme performed by providing them information on the trends of the programme performances and simple comparisons of programme performances with programmes, faulty/unit and university are launching in later stages of the system development.


By logging into the uPRDatabase, you will be able to learn:

Programme Performances at a Glance

The uPRDatabase allows users to search, view and save content from the programme review reports. In the search and filter function, specific details, such as examples of good practices and recommendations from the programme review reports can be searched by different criteria. To further elevate the user experience, the bookmark function allows users to save the specific content for later view.

All the Good Practices & Recommendations Identified from the UG Programme Reviews (Anonymous Filter Function)

In the current practice, the university stakeholders can only view the programme review reports related to their job duties, which means they may have limited information about the good practices identified from the other programmes in the university. The anonymous filter function allows users to search for all the existing examples of good practices and recommendations in the database without disclosing the original source of the content. This function will be of great use in promoting the good practices of teaching & learning at CUHK.

Trends of the Programme Performances (Phase 2 of the Project)

Apart from showcasing the examples of good practices and recommendations, graphical representations of information and data are also available in the uPRDatabase. The use of data visualisation is to provide users with an easier and more direct way to understand the programme performances quickly. On the Data Visualisation page, users may learn more about the trends of programme performances in terms of the ratings of focus areas (e.g., learning activities and assessment) and the number of identified good practices and recommendations.

Comparisons of Programme Performances (Phase 2 of the Project)

Together with the ratings of the focus areas documented in the programme review reports, the database has advanced algorithms to compute all the examples of good practices and recommendations to provide analytics insights on programme performances. Based on these analytics’ information, the uPRDatabase facilitates simple comparisons on the performances between your programme versus other programme, faculty/ unit or university.

* Comparison options are available depending on users' granted level of permission.

Who can use the uPRDatabase?

uPRDatabase is only accessible to eligible and approved users. Eligible users such as programme leaders, faculty deans, senior management and relevant stakeholders (e.g. AQS) can register for an uPRDatabase account.

Programme Leaders

Faculty Deans

Senior Management

Relevant Stakeholders (e.g. AQS)

All applications for using the uPRDatabase must be reviewed and approved by the relevant Faculty/ Department/ Programme/ Unit Head(s) or the delegated account administrator(s). Only approved users can use the uPRDatabase in accordance with their granted level of permission. For more details about the registration, please visit the Q&A section on the Help page or contact the uPRDatabase administrators at uprdatabase@cuhk.edu.hk.