
This user manual serves as a guideline for all levels of users to make use of the uPRDatabase. You may download the PDF file for the complete version.

Eligible users such as programme leaders, faculty deans, senior management and relevant stakeholders (e.g., AQS) in the university can register for an uPRDatabase account. All applications for using the uPRDatabase must be approved by the relevant Faculty/ Department/ Programme/ Unit Head(s) or the delegated account administrator(s). Only approved users can use the uPRDatabase in accordance with their granted level of permission.

By clicking the "Register" button on the login page, the system will redirect you to the CUHK Microsoft 365 login page. Please login onto the uPRDatabase platform with your CUHK login email and OnePass password. After a successful login, you will be redirected to the registration form.

In the registration form, please fill in all the required personal information, such as your name, email address, phone number, job position, and the faculty/ department/ programme/ unit you belong to.

Under the "Programme Review Report Access Right" section, please choose the permission level you apply for. You may choose to apply for the Faculty Level account, the Programme Level account and the All-Level account. For the Faculty Level account, all access right granted users will be able to view all the programme review reports under the faculty they applied for. For the Programme Level account, access right to a particular programme will be granted to eligible users based on the request in their applications. A maximum of five programmes can be selected in each of the application. You may need to submit another separate application if you need to access information from more than five programmes in the uPRDatabase. The All-Level account is only accessible to senior management or other pertinent university stakeholders (like AQS). Access rights will be granted to the users in accordance with their job duties only. Please choose carefully and do not make irrelevant requests.

Please also write down the justification/ reasons for registering for the uPRDatabase account. In normal circumstances, default information about the person who processing your application has already been filled in the form. If you find these fields are left blank, please fill in the relevant information accordingly. Make sure all the required fields are filled out correctly. Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service and click the "Register" button.

In normal circumstances, the system will show the available options in the "Programme Review Report Access Right" section based on the unit you belong to. If you cannot find the programme you are looking for in the "Programme Review Report Access Right" section, contact the uPRDatabase administrators.

All applications for using the uPRDatabase will be reviewed and approved by the relevant Faculty/ Department/ Programme/ Unit Head(s) or the delegated account administrator(s). A reminder about your submitted application will be sent to your respective Faculty/ Department/ Programme/ Unit Head(s) every two weeks after your application has been processed. If you still have not received any further notifications considering the status of your application after one month, contact your Faculty/ Department/ Programme/ Unit Head(s) or contact the uPRDatabase administrators directly at

Only eligible and registered users will be granted access to the uPRDatabase. If you do not have an uPRDatabase account, please register for an account first. If your application is unsuccessful, contact your Faculty/ Department/ Programme/ Unit Head(s). If your account is inactive, contact the uPRDatabase administrators at

For the ineligible users, they will not be able to register for the uPRDatabase account even logging into the platform with their CUHK Microsoft365 account. For further enquiries, contact the uPRDatabase administrators at

You may visit ITSC's CUHK OnePass Page if you want to reset your OnePass password. You may also contact the ITSC Service Desk if you are unable to access your CUHK Microsoft 365 account.

uPRDatabase can only be accessed through CUHK networks (excluding ClassNet) with DUO Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

The search and filter function allows users to look up specific details such as examples of Good Practices and Recommendations from the programme review reports. You may go to the Search page under the Database in the sidebar menu. In the search filters, select your choices of Cycle, Faculty, Programme and Focus Areas, etc. You can choose multiple options in the search filters. A step-by-step guideline for using the uPRDatabase can be found in the User Manual.

You may use the bookmark function to save specific details in the search result for later view. A step-by-step guideline for using the uPRDatabase can be found in the User Manual.

Users may view the programme review reports and code list on the "Programme Review Reports & Code List" page or by clicking the icons on the right in the search results and bookmarks. In normal circumstances, the system will show you the available programme review reports in accordance with the level of permission granted to you. Please check your granted permission level in the Personal Information section under the Dashboard page. If you do not have the permission to access the programme report you are looking for, please submit a new application by filling out the registration form with justification/ reason. A maximum of five programmes can be selected for each application.